There are many reasons why eBooks make sense today: Consumers care about the sustainability of our environment. eBooks are often less expensive to purchase. Not everyone wants to tow around a print book. Gen Z readers prefer looking at their devices and have become accustomed to digital reading. eBooks are convenient and SAVE NATURAL RESOURCES. Every print book we produce gets an eBook partner. That said, not every ebook we produce is required to have a print book as well. eBooks may never completely replace paper editions, but the digital age is here to stay.
Quality matters! And we are all about quality in each publication we produce. When a book is published by Six Degrees Publishing Group -- whether eBook, print, or a business piece -- we focus on a professionally designed and meticulously laid out product in accordance with high industry standards while considering content and genre on an individual basis. Design is an art; layout, fonts and design elements are carefully chosen based on important factors including genre, known reader preferences and current trends. Pre-production is performed both in-house and through our network of US-based professionals.
Quality assurance doesn't end with a glossy cover. Editors for Six Degrees Publishing Group use the guidelines established in the Chicago Manual of Style in order to meet a high level of content quality. Yet, we understand that style is individual, too, so we partner with our authors in the decision-making process when possible, concurrently mentoring them through available choices based on current trends and standards in the publishing industry.
Through our distribution partner, Ingram Content, we reach the marketplaces in the US, UK, and Australia directly with network distribution to retail stores and libraries in those countries. Through Ingram's Global Connect program, we reach additional countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil and others.
There are typically three types of publishing agreements available in today's publishing market: Traditional Publishing, Partnership Publishing (aka: Hybrid Publishing) and Self-Publishing. Six Degrees Publishing Group accepts manuscripts for consideration for both Traditional Publishing and Partnership Publishing programs.
Traditional Publishing:
Traditional publishing contracts are negotiated between the author and the publishing house. The author transfers some of his or her rights exclusively to one publisher; in return, the publishing house performs its obligations to publish the work according to the negotiated contract. Books and authors are vetted. Today, it is more difficult than in the past to land a traditional publishing contract.

The investment required in putting a book into the marketplace can be substantial and risky. Production, preplanning and marketing is required and the process can be lengthy. Because of this, larger traditional publishing houses usually have an editorial staff and committees who decide how the book will be packaged, the length of the book and its design, including the cover, based on their market research. Because of these cost and risk factors, traditional publishers usually represent established authors. Often they require the author to be represented by a literary agent, have a recent proven track record in book sales, and have a substantial following. Sometimes the traditional-type publisher will pay the author an advance for the rights to publish their work advance, but this has become more rare.
Teaming-Up: Partnership, Hybrid and Subsidized Publishing
A modern, hybrid model for publishing is what we refer to as Partnership Publishing. We created Six Degrees Publishing Group in 2010 under the premise that many authors needed a helping hand getting their books into the marketplace. We knew authors who were looking to get their books out into the marketplace quickly and in a quality manner, rather than spending hours on end submitting enquiries and months waiting for responses. Yet the only other viable option at the time appeared to be self-publishing. Often authors don't have time, the computer knowledge, or the know-how to navigate the plethora of options and software programs needed to get into their book published. A publishing "specialist" was needed. From the beginning, our business model has been based on this hybrid of mentoring and sharing information before, during and after the publication goes to press.

With hybrid publishers, as with traditional publishing, books and authors are vetted. Manuscripts are submitted and books are published according to the standards of the publisher and best practices. Whether the manuscript is accepted or not, the publisher will generally give the author constructive feedback when possible.

The idea of publishers and authors 'teaming up' is not new and has been around for many years. It is sometimes called subsidized publishing, In this type of arrangement, the author transfers the exclusive right to publish and distribute his or her title or work for a certain period of time to a publishing house. In return, the publisher will publish the book and mentor the author, rendering professional advice about the content, marketing opportunities, and publicity programs, and will receive and disburse royalties. The publisher is listed on the copyright page and acts as the author's publisher-agent after the book is in print. Depending on the contract negotiated, both the publisher and/or the author will subsidize the cost of the investment in the book. Royalties are shared according to the investment of each party and are negotiated along with the duties and responsibilities. Partnership publishers contribute editing, book cover oversight and design/layout of your book's publication from cover-to-cover and from beginning to beyond the day your book becomes available to the public.
© 2023 Six Degrees Publishing Group Inc.
Authors may decide to take the time and effort to use one of the author services available from companies and distribution services, such as Amazon or other publishers, that provide publishing packages. The information below is offered as a helpful tool for recognizing a couple of self-publishing options available in the publishing marketplace at this time. There are two basic types of self-publishing:

In the first scenario, the author, who self-publishes in a pure self-publishing sense, writes and creates the necessary files for uploading to a printer or eBook aggregator, such as, iTunes or their own printer and arranges for distribution completely on his or her own. This is often called DIY, or do-it-yourself publishing, because the author does everything.

In another type of self-publishing scenario, the author contacts a self-publishing company (sometimes called an "author services" company) and purchases a publishing package, based upon their perceived needs, on an 'a la carte' basis. Optional menu items might include editing, the production of a YouTube video, and sometimes placement in a trade show. Some publishing packages include the requirement of a moderate number of books to be purchased and warehoused at a facility, often at a premium price.

In both cases, the author purchases his or her own ISBN number and is listed as the publisher of his or her own book. The author is not represented, often finds it difficult to navigate the retail business of books and is at risk of wasting both time and money. Because packages and reputations vary, due diligence is important.

Once you self-publish your book, it very likely will be harder to re-publish with a traditional or hybrid company. The common theory is that the author has established their own reputation and/or tapped their market completely, leaving few books to be sold.
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About eBooks, Print Books and Sustainability
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WellBridge Books
Sustainable Business Press
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